
Dupritans contracture treatments


A deformity of the hand, Dupuytren's contracture typically develops slowly and progresses over several years. The condition affects the underlying tissue in the skin in the palm, causing knots of tissue to develop. Over time, the knots form into a thick cord that pulls one or more of the fingers into a folded or bent position. The development of Dupuytren contracture and its symptoms generally takes place over several years; however, it can vary. Some cases develop over a few months or even weeks, and in some affected individuals development of the condition begins and ends intermittently. The condition often presents as a thickening of the skin in the palm at onset. In addition, the skin may appear puckered or dimpled. As the condition progresses, a firm lump of tissue often forms in the palm of the hand that may become sensitive to the touch. Over time and with further progression of the condition, cords of tissue form beneath the skin and extend toward the fingers. As the cords begin to tighten, the fingers pull in toward the palm. The exact cause of Dupuytren's contracture is unknown; however, some researchers suggest the dupritans may be caused by an autoimmune issue. In an autoimmune disorder or reaction, the immune system attacks its own body tissues, which may be the case with Dupuytren's contracture. As the progression of Dupuytren's contracture is generally slow, many steps can be taken to treat the symptoms and cure the condition altogether. Making dietary changes such as following the Epigenetic or Paleo Diet helps heal the body and reduce pain. Likewise, supplementing the diet with zinc and vitamin E softens nodules and support overall cell health, preventing further development of the condition. To accept the terms of service, click I Agree. Clicking "I Agree" means that you agree to the terms of the Earth Clinic LLC service agreement and the privacy policy statement, and that you are 13 or older. If you do not agree to these terms, click Cancel. I am Eastern European who lives in California. I was diagnosed with Dupuytren's Contracture dupritans my left hand palm about 5 years ago at age It was progressing rapidly with growing knot on my palm and ring finger. Over two years ago I started low carb diet and about 16 months ago I got even stricter and begin Ketogenic diet. Treatments within couple of months knots on my hand went down as well as contracture and pain. Looks like knots continue getting smaller and there is absolutely no pain or contracture. I can freely move my fingers and my hand looks normal except for small area on the palm where there is still small visible knot. Truly amazing considering that my doctor told that contractures will get worse and worse and eventually will have to operate on it. I truly believe that keto diet is the cause for improvement as I experienced other benefits in my health as well. My 79 year old mother totally reversed her dupetryn's contractures and fibromyalgia by following the Epigenetic diet contracture by Dr. She started the diet almost one year ago and dupritans symptoms started to get better after just one week of following the diet. Now, only if she strays from the diet does sometimes the pain and other symptoms return on the same or next day. She just has to go back for to eating that way and in a day the symptoms go away again. My mother had fibro for almost 20 years and DT for the last 4 or 5 years. For me it has gotten rid of knee joint pain and swelling. I can always tell when I am not eating right because the joint pain comes back. As soon as I eat right it goes away again. The more stricter you can adhere to eating this way the quicker your results. This is a way of eating that you can do for a lifetime without problems. It works contracture most people. If it doesn't that means it is time to see a professional because there contracture be something else going on. Hi there, my mother has just been diagnosed with DC, and I would be very interested in this epiginetic diet you talk about. Is there part of a book which talks about DC in particular? What is the name of the book which got you into the diet? Thanks for your help. Is there already some more positive news on improvement treatment DC by using epiginetic diet? Hi there, I have at 55 years of age just been diagnosed with Duputryens disease in my left hand. Although in its very early stages, I am interested in how Epigenetics and dietary changes can help. Can you please advise? Grateful from the UK. From what I saw all he really says it that you should eat only fruits and veggies that are in season for the time of the year. If it is spring only eat them according to the time of year you are in. I really do not see that making much sense. More important stay away from refined sugar, and not a lot of fowl. When I was first diagnosed with Dupuytren's Contracture in my left hand, I had about four tumors in the palm of my hand. My doctor said there was nothing he could do. Natural is the way to go. Since I knew iodine with iodide combination shrinks tumors, I simply bought some and took 1 in the morning, My fingers never turned in and the tumors contracture gone. I must take every day anyway, due to hypothyroidism. I just got back from the doctor's office, having been told I have Dupuytren's Contracture and that nothing can be done. Of course, the doctors have told me that before, several times, and they were always wrong before, so I have no doubt they are wrong now. HOWEVER, I'd like to figure out what is best for me to do. I am interested, Emma, is your experience. However, I've been told to stay away from iodine because I have the exact opposite problem from you: I have Graves disease, or hyperthyroidism. It's been in remission for many years. Doctor told me nothing could be done, I ignored him and followed the advice of a woman who wrote a book on getting rid of Graves Disease, it worked, Doctor said "It's a miracle". Anyway - I'm a bit afraid to simply start taking iodine. Do you have any resources you followed to identify the interaction of the collagen conversion and iodine? Andy other advice for me? Hi I got duputreyns only in my hands last year. I had radiation therapy for 5 days, break of 8 weeks, then another 5 days. How many days does it take to notice whether there will be a difference? My mother's fingers are bent over dupreyens sp? This has a 1 in a risk of nerve damage, which the doc. Do you know of any remedies herbs or supplements that could help her. She is taking baby aspirin and is in her 70's but is quite treatments otherwise. Any help at all would be much appreciated, she's a lovely lady and I think she's just going to go for the surgery in January if she doesn't come across anything. Sorry, I don't know any remedies other than surgery. I had Dupytrens removed from my right contracture in and will need the left hand done some time int the future. I did not have any nerve damage and the recouperation was not that bad. It is a bit sore sometimes when I use the hand a lot, eg. My husband has had surgery on both hands due to Dupuytren's Contrature. He had no serious treatments due to the surgery. He was, however, one of the youngest his Dr. We try to keep up with the latest in regard to this condition and there is dupritans a newer treatment using injections which has been quite successful and does not require surgery. If you check websites on Dupuytren's, you should be able to do some homework before your mother decides to have surgery. This new treatment might be an alternative for her to explore. Good luck to her. Whatever you do, don't do the surgery. Charles Eaton in Jupiter, Fl for the needle procedure. He's great and it's very easy and successful. Also, I have softened my nodules with a raw food and green smoothie diet. My husband is age 41 and has the worst case of DC his doctor has dupritans seen. According treatments his Dr. I did hear about the Dr in Florida as well. He has it in both feet and both hands. His first surgery was when he was in his mid 30's usually DC affects people much older. The surgery had to be repeated within a year. The second time they had to remove so much tissue he had to have a skin graph and lost some mobility in his pinky finger. He had both feet operated on twice with no nerve damage. It has returned and will need surgery again when he gets to the point he can't walk. DC is hereditary and reoccurring. I have had 2 NA procedures done in Fl by the Dr. After the second I had cortisone injected to soften the nodules only to backfire. My contracture returned within 4 weeks of the injection which was only intended to soften the nodules. I could not believe what I was seeing I was told I will have to have another NA procedure to fix this. I dont know anyone in South Africa besides the medical fraternity who only want to operate. How bad is your Dupuytrens? Treatments is a website which deals with the problem naturally. It worked for me. I will surf for the website and post it to this thread when I find it again. There is a great, very active and responsive group of patients reporting thier findings, results, progress, post-op issues, etc at Yahoo Groups for DP, so you folks may want to check them out! I've had a lot of success using Standard Process phosfood. The cord and nodule in my left hand had softened a huge amount, my pinky finger contracture my right hand is straighter and more flexible. I also have leddarhose in my feet with strong cords no nodules. The cords on my feet are also softening. Another thing I want to mention is that I follow a ketogenic dietary lifestyle, which may also be helping. My husband has Dupuytren's contracture as well. He applies a mixture of iodine, magnesium oil and dmso to his hand twice a day and just rubs it in. The knots are about gone and his hand is flexible. This is after about two weeks of consistent application of the mixture. I believe the iodine is the key. Then the dmso helps drive the iodine further into the skin and the magnesium oil helps keep it moist. It seems like a miracle to him. His doctor has Dupuytren's and had surgery. Now the doctor has a long scar across the palm of his hand. Generally the knots return within a year and apparently consistent surgery would be the remedy. I think a little mixture to soften and prevent it is more sensible, cheaper and keeps it at bay. I'm sure diet helps as well. I place it in the jacuzzi daily and do 50 hand grips under high pressure nozzle and a hundred and three temperature. It works sometimes hours sometimes a week depends on how much I use it thereafter, but I never slow down. Hi Gary, can please specify what you place in the jacuzzi. Is it a hand grip strengthener tool? Hi, I have been suffering from a somewhat mild case of Dupuytrins Contracture in my left hand. I was told by a Health food store owner to try Magnesium. I started with the pills but then tried Magnesium Oil and started rubbing it in my hands once a day. Just a small amount. Well now I do not have any symptoms of the tightness and ripping feeling and pain in the morning I use to have every morning when I woke up. I stopped using it for a while and the symptoms came back. Started again and the symptoms went away again. Hey it's worth a shot for anyone. Magnesium oil is cheap. Lots of ways to get Magnesium. Pills, Oil and Epson Salts Epson Salts are also fantastic in your Gardens. I also had a Needle Aponeurotomy with Dr. Badois in Paris, very successful. The cost is a fraction of an operation, the expense of the flight, stay in the hotel and treatment included. Was playing golf 3 weeks after the treatment! Do you know of anyone now in South Africa who does this or can you let us have the contact details for your doctor in Paris? Worked Temporarily I've had needle aponeurotomy on my right hand three times. The best practicioner was in Paris, Dr. Badois, who was one of the original team that developed this treatment. But it keeps coming back, and now my left hand is affected. I do exercises ever day, kind of yoga, and like the ones where you place the hands flat on the floor, which the contracture makes difficult. Very gentle tickling massage of the cords in the palms also seems good. I feel that if I could reach a core understanding of what's going on that produces this disease, I might be able to work on it and solve it. Are you, or have you ever taken phenobarbital by chance? I agree with what you said as well, there is not a soul in my family who has this. Dupuytren's Contracture usually strikes men age 55 dupritans older of eastern European decent, and it's supposedly hereditary. However, there are also studies to suggest that long term users of phenobarbital can also get DC. That would be in my case. My surgeon truly believes that this is the cause of mine. I've been taking the drug since for seizures. I've known others as well. I'm a woman, and I started to get this very gradually in my 30's. I'm 50 now, and the condition is very bad, I just had surgery 2 weeks ago on my right hand. I've had 2 surgeries now and the Xiaflex injections. That causes even more trauma to the hand with the contracture of scar tissue. I have recently under gone NA needle aponeurotomy procedure to remedy DC on both hands. So pleased that I did not have the surgery recommended by medical experts. I have Dupuytrens in both hands, and was told by my doctor that there is no cure, and that it would get worse and only an operation would cure it. I went on a paleolithic diet, and my Dupuytrens subsided remarkably. When I break the rules, it grows again, but subsides when I go back to the correct eating. Also, massaging cold pressed Apricot oil, or any vitamin e oil into the Dupuytrens helps. Local Radiotherapy for Early Stage Dupuytren or Ledderhose is the treatment of choice to contracture surgery; the International Dupuytren Society IDS is collecting data on many other treatment options to foster potential sufferers with the best information available:. There is a man in New Hampshire who makes, and sells SSKI. It's very expensive for the large bottle, but, I figured if I don't have to use it on Dupuychen's, I could use it for if we ever need it for a radiological release Just type in SSKI New Hampshire. Hi, my mother had the surgery for Dupuytren's Contracture and it didn't cure it but helped. It was however very painful with a long recovery time. I just today saw a cure though called Wan Hua Oil a bit late for her then, but maybe for others. A therapist called Dr. Harvey Kaltsas describes how to use it on page 8 of his piece on natural oils of chinese medicine. It apparently works in a few weeks when used nightly. It removes hardened masses treatments and he says "works to moisten the tendon sheathes so they move smoothly and allows the fingers to open and close without catching". I started to get dupuytrens in both hand several years ago when I had some severe health problems. The alternative health practioner suggested I had a deficiency of zinc. When I started taking zinc supplements 25mg per day the nodules and the contractures started to significantly subside. I can open my hands fully But sometimes still have some weakness. I occassonally get flareups where the hands get more painful and I start to get a nodule in each foot. Often when I've forgotten my zinc. But it has always subsided again. From Google's Translate sorry, not a very good translation! Suffering from this disease DUPUYTREN AND OPERATED IN THE HAND I WAS RIGHT AND NOW TO LEAVE ME get started ISQUIERDA ON HAND AND OF COURSE ME MORE WORRIES ME WHERE WILL THEN LEAVE AS THIS DISEASE MAY HAVE NOT YET ANCIENT PRIEST COULD NOT BELIEVE ONE OF MY Treatments, TO INCOME WITH THIS DISEASE WITH THIS RESULT MISTRIOSA DISEASE AND WEIGHT I HAVE 43 YEARS I HAVE 98 KILOS no vice and lost my work because of this disease. I agree with Jean in Kentucky. My hand has just started to grow nodules. My father had DC. I have started to use 2 dupritans. I use ultrasound physio strength type twice daily on a low frequency for 5 mins. I then use DMSO and saturated potassium iodide not iodine with magnesium oil. The key is the Potassium iodide, but you need the DMSO to drive the SSKI and magnesium oil into the area. I treatments received the Potassium iodide today, and the nodules have already softened dupritans flattened out. There are a couple of Doctors on the internet, one called Tucker. Research it a and see. There is also a Utube video made by a young Australian man who will give you the quantities to use. His partner had severe DC and her hand is now flat. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Content may not be reproduced in any form. Videos Remedies All Remedies Supplements Herbs Beauty Remedies Ted's Remedies Children's Remedies. Latest Pet Posts Pet Ailments Pet Remedies. Recent Posts Recent QA. Contact Us Our Books Who We Are What People Say How to Support Us Website Help. Get Help Report a Problem Contact Us Survey. Books Newsletter How to Support Us Answers. Pinterest Videos Facebook Twitter. What Is Dupuytren's Contracture? Natural Remedies for Dupuytren's Contracture As the progression of Dupuytren's contracture is generally slow, many steps can be taken to treat the symptoms and cure the condition altogether. Ask For Help Here: Share your thoughts with our readers Write a review. Thanks for your help Reply 1. I would like to know where I can find the diet for dupuytrens. Grateful from the UK Reply. Fowl like chicken and turkey does make it worse. Replied by Emma Mt. I'm sorry, I sure don't, Treatments sorry. Susan, Would you mind giving an update on your Dupuytren's after using the Phosfood drops? Does the NA treatment worked well after 5,5 years? Dear Dillis, Did you see contracture improvement with using cold pressed Apricot oil, oe Dupritans E? Michael, Is these radio therapy treatment still effective in early stage? You might try zinc and vitamin E. Together they work wonders. In what form of zinc and vitamin E. Anyway you can read more if you google the oil. Here is a better translation than what google provided: Lady Barron, Did you still see improvements when consistent using extra dosing supplement 25 mg Zinc? Dupuytren's Contracture Natural Cures. You must be logged in to this post! Report a problem About Us Reprints and Permissions. Terms of Service Privacy Policy.

Dupuytren's Contracture Treatment Program

Dupuytren's Contracture Treatment Program

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